Billing and Payments

学生应在校园连接中监控他们的帐户,并确保NDSU及时收到全额付款. In the fall and spring semesters, 助学金在上课的第三周发放,正式付款截止日期为第二天. 如果在学期到期日之后的两周内收到付款,学生帐户将不会被保留. 学期截止日期可在新大公布的文件中找到 Dates & Deadlines.

Past due student accounts are subject to registration and transcript holds and may result in late payment fees and/or the cancellation of registration.

Please note: 目前入学的学生不邮寄纸质发票和/或报表. Instead, 每月向学生发送一封提醒电子邮件,表明已生成电子账单对账单并可供查看. Account information is accessible any time via Campus Connection 在学生主页的财务帐户标题中. 学生全权负责审查其帐户的准确性和及时付款. 有关学生经济责任的更详细信息, please review the Financial Obligation Agreement.

Student Payment Portal

Authorized Payer Portal


Billing Notifications via Text Message

每月16日至20日之间生成学生账户账单报表,并通过NDSU的电子邮件通知学生该报表可供查看. 除了电子邮件外,学生还可以选择每月收到短信提醒. 乐虎电子如何设置文本通知的说明可以在下面找到, 以及文本的一个例子,将收到每个月.

Instructions to Set Up Text Notifications
  1. Log in to Campus Connection
  2. In the Financial Account tile, click on Pay Online Now,然后是NDSU的横幅,这将引导你进入Nelnet账单支付系统.
  3. Click User Preferences in the left menu.
  4. Under SMS option,输入您的手机号码,并从下拉菜单中选择相应的运营商.
  5. under Notification, check the SMS box.
  6. Click on Save.


International Sponsors and Billing

International Sponsors

Some International students (e.g. 持有F和J签证的学生可能在其本国或其他地方有一个担保组织,该组织同意支付他们在NDSU的全部或部分费用. In these instances, NDSU将代表学生向担保人开具账单,并将发票寄给担保人. However, to do so, NDSU必须在学期开始前获得书面授权, to maintain this arrangement, 保荐人必须及时付款.


所有国际赞助商都需要提供书面证明,证明他们在经济上资助学生的意图. 此授权必须包含下面列出的所有元素.

  • 乐虎电子必须被命名为出勤学校.
  • Student’s full name and date of birth.
  • 说明奖学金将支付和不支付的费用. Examples of common NDSU charges are below. 请注意,所有赞助商都必须支付赞助费.
    • Tuition
    • Student fees
    • 移民费//国际学生支持服务费
    • Orientation fee
    • Student identification card
    • New student fee
    • Dormitory/housing
    • Meal plan
    • Books
    • International health insurance
      • Note: NDSU通常不会向赞助者收取图书馆罚款, student health services or dormitory damages. 如果您希望NDSU为这些费用或此处未说明的其他费用买单, 这必须反映在书面授权中.
    • Semester(s) and/or dates of eligibility.
    • 赞助商的联系信息,包括姓名,邮寄地址,电话号码和电子邮件地址.
    • 账单联系人姓名和电子邮件地址(发票应通过电子邮件发送给的人)
Billing Process
  • 付款发票将在学期开始后大约两周寄给赞助商.
  • Invoices are sent via email.
  • 付款必须及时:全额付款应在开具发票后六周内付清.
  • 资金可以通过我们的国际支付服务转移到NDSU。 NDSU does not release banking information (e.g. account number, routing number).
  • 未能及时付款的学生将不被允许在随后的学期注册. 请注意,对于持有F或J签证的学生, 如果学生在学期开始时没有注册课程,可能会出现移民身份问题.
  • 由于未支付的账户余额,文凭和成绩单也可能被延迟.

Other Account Charges

Other charges you could see on your account: Other Charges


NDSU客户账户服务促进了评估和收取学费的过程, fees and other costs of attendance. 付款方式有以下几种:网上付款, by mail, in person, international wire transfers, monthly payment plan

Payment Methods

Account Holds/ Late Payment Fees

Please note: Check payments, 包括汇票和大学储蓄计划付款, should be made out to NDSU and mailed to:

Customer Account Services
NDSU Department 3110
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050


Students leaving academic building in fall
Need a Receipt/Proof of Payment
more information
Dropping and Withdrawing
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